
Top 6 apps to Create Mobile version of blogs free

           Wordpress and Joomla are one of the best blogging platforms which when accesses from mobiles , are  user friendly set by default and are well aligned . However , the Blogspot platform is not aligned and same site appears on mobile as in Desktop . However there are many free sites and tools which lets you create mobile version of any blogging platforms for free by importing feeds and enabling to insert mobile ads free of charge !
Here is the list of all such best tools  :

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Easily Remove left sidebar in New Google search Design

         As everyone up-till now must have surely noticed fresh bing - yahoo like looks of google , while searching . This design was introduced as the latest google update to search . Now googling is more faster , more easier after redesigned sidebar version after google squeezed all these tools and technologies into a single page. Most of the users have liked this fresh look , however the space for results after googling have now been reduced due to sidebar !
However if you are firefox , Opera , Chrome , or IE user , you can now remove the left sidebar in New Google search Designed version :

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Find twitter account creation date

                        Are you still not on twitter ? Obviously , you might be with more than 2 or 3 accounts . Now everyone most of the netizens have strong addiction for Twitter either for chatting and connecting like minded people or celebrities or for [ self ] promotions . Facebook was something you created years ago and twitter , maybe not long ago . Do you remember the date when you created your twitter account ?
Just for fun or to boast everyone , that you created twitter account long ago when it was not a rage , or you created account after your buddy and still have more followers than him . In that way , he can be put to shame :P
Here are the tools in which you can find twitter account creation date :

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Linux OS popularity stats

                 Open-source is the keyword of web 2.0 and Linux is one of the greatest landscape in terms of OS . Many users are switching from native windows to linux based OS like ubuntu , fedora , RedHat etc . The stats are constantly changing and has a strong community of both developers and users.
Here are some of the info-graphics that show the popularity of Linux distributions across the world !

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7 sites that are best Google Wave Alternatives

                   Online collaboration is the new web 2.0 as it offers limitless possibilities for today’s net addicted web surfer . Now cloud computing , Synchronization , file sharing, collaborative editing, and discussion boards are more cool features in which anyone can get more information within easily and that too fast - one of the application being Google Wave which has merged email, wikis, IM, and social networking together !
However many people who have tried wave and want to try something new , we bring a big kick-ass list of cool google wave alternatives :

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Upload files to all hosting sites at once

               Storage and sharing are day to day important in office / personal use resulting into cloud computing as latest web 2.0 feature . Many people send huge attachments via mails , download many movies , songs , games via torrents and when you are going to share any file on the internet, through a free file hosting site, its better to upload to a few sites rather than one, as most of the file upload services don’t allow unlimited downloads and the person trying to download can face problems during download .
InterUpload is one of a site that lets you upload and host file to most of the famous free file sharing and hosting networks .

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Update Ubuntu Karmic to Lucid

               Lucid Lynx is the latest distro of ubuntu - one of the finest and user friendly Linux OS . This open source OS is packed with plenty of cool Features and off course promises. Currently 9.1 [ beta ]version of karmic koala was made available before 9.04 [ stable ] Karmic Koala . Upgrading your Karmic Koala 9.04 or 9.1 or any of your old Linux Ubuntu version like Jaunty Jackalope 8.04 and previous versions  to Lucid Lynx 10.04 [ LTS ] is very easy .

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Easily Sync iPhone Bookmarks

               Apple's  iPhone could only integrate and sync with safari and didn't  have the feature to integrate Bookmark sync with popular browsers like Firefox, Chrome  [ They Forgot or deliberately didn't provide ] . It was getting pretty hard for iPhone users to share favorite links and now its very easily possible !

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WePad Tablet - the iPad killer

              Tablets are the latest geek gadgets the world is crazy for . Now instead of developing more features for laptops , its not shifted to developing Tablet . Microsoft , Google , Hp and Apple all are focussed on their respective tablets . Recently Apple launched one [the iPad ]  , Microsoft canceled it Google is planning to launch it soon , HP is looking weird with tablet .
Right now , i have heard of another tablet - WePad !

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Complete features - BumpTop 3D desktop

                       Bumptop is making news as it is the latest software [ Desktop based ] that has been teamed up with google . Right  after being presented in TED 2007, it was already famous and working perfectly with many cool features . First is obvios - 3D features ! Being a desktop application it can perform operations like dragging, resizing, dropping, e-mailing, printing  and many more which are quite fun .

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List of all best Heatmap tools

                  If you need to know which is the specific area your blog readers spend most of the time , then you need to add a heatmap script on your website . This heatmap is graph to tracking user behaviour on a site . Its not a common necessity every blog owner uses , but its for those who wantto study in depth iformation architecture and for optimization of link & advertisement placement.
I have tried to list all of the web conversion tools that are available out there - from free to paid versions , from open source to private companies .

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List of all Free Favicon generators

               In my last post i had published a tutorial on adding favicon to a blog easily with free tools and now i am listing down all free services worth checking out to generate free favicon . You already have seen a favicon but you probably dont know what that actually is [ and how helpful it can be ]  ; In easiest definition  Favicon is a small icon that is displayed in tab of browser just next to the website address . Here are the ultimate exhaustible complete list of favicon Generators and Converters  ;

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Make Google Chrome run faster

              Recently a new beta for Chrome has been released and i downloaded it instantly , And i noticed a very vast change regarding speed . The speed was as fast as pages were already loaded in cache ! I think this has crossed opera which claims to be world's fastest browser . If you want to surf fast and smoothly without having an interruption and wanna make Google chrome run faster then what you need is  - recent release of  beta

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List of best Free CSS tools

                     These days all the sites and coding are done with help of CSS which was advanced since the beginning of internet ! There are many software's like Dreamweaver which are pro and indeed very helpful in creating web-pages and you need to buy them to get full features .However there are also many many free tools available having most of these features . 
                 CSS is used effectively in terms of inheritance and "cascading," acting as a global style sheet cthat can be used to affect and style elements site-wide. If the situation arises that the styling of the elements should need to be changed or adjusted, these changes can be made easily, simply by editing a few rules in the global style sheet. Before CSS, this sort of maintenance was more difficult, expensive and time-consuming and this is why CSS is now more used and is adopted in most of the networks.
While googling freeware tools for CSS i made this great collection of all tools which you can download easily !  

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List of all iphone secret codes

                       iPhone is making the internet go wild and every bit of iPhone news [ from launch to Hacks ] are creating huge waves all over blogosphere and twitterverse . Recently with unofficial launch of new iPhone 4G to how to jailbreak iPhone and with more and more applications [ both official and pirated ] , its a very big challenge in age of smart-phones like google's android and hp 's Palm and many more smartphones !
While surfing more about this famous chic phone , i digged more about it and got to know about secret iPhone codes !
Here are the ultimate list of codes , probly you never know :

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Wayback Machine - Internet Time Machine

                              The current homepages of yahoo , apple and google looks fresh with awesome options and chic look . But have you ever thought how websites and blogs used to look back the period when internet was just invented in the day? The Wayback Machine is the solution and awesome tool that lets you find out easily how all websites used to look right from lunch to current period .

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Make free calls to Twitter user

                      Its now very easy to make call to twitter users . It works on idea to provide a platform where twitter users can call and talk or even leave a voice message to each other by avoiding the sharing of private telephone numbers. To access the received voice-mail all you need is to simply sign-in to Twit2Tel, that allows Twit2Tel to link  the Twitter user-name to the voice-mail account and apart from this a call feature of Twit2Tel allows you to make a free user-to-user calls for 4 minutes.

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Get ready for - Google TV

                  Now its the TV platform google plans to enter and for this Google has partnered with Intel and Sony to create Google TV - a TV platform powered by Android. Google plans to develop custom interactive interface dubbed Dragonpoint based on Android and it would be like an operating system within itself .

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Order free CD of ubuntu 10.04

           Ubuntu 10.04 - Lucid Lynx [ Ubuntu is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office ]have been released recently and similarly like its previous version Jaunty Jackalope - 9.04 its now creating loads of buzz with more enhanced version and more cool features . As all might be knowing , ubuntu is a linux based OS which comes free and you need not pay for it . You can also order any number free CDs and DVDs  to your home without paying any shipping charges and you will get it in courier package within 3 weeks !
Here are the new features that made it to Ubuntu 10.04:

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Keyboard shortcuts for facebook smileys

                         Here is a complete list of facebook Smileys [ emoticons ] and their keyboard shortcuts. Just type in the code and press enter to get it to show up.Some smileys have more than one shortcut keys . Do note that all these keys are case-sensitive. So if you type it in and it doesn't work the first time, make sure you've got all the letters correct!
                    The major drawback to these smiley faces is that Facebook does not allow direct entry of the emoticons. Instead, you have to know and remember the facebook emoticon shortcuts and codes and type them in where you need them. Once you type your message and press the Enter key, the smiley shortcut code will turn into the relevant graphical icon automatically. But if you don't wanna to remember these funny codes then better download google chrome extension where you just need to click on smiley and it gets showed up on facebook chat !

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Best Facebook Smileys Extension for Chrome

            Everyone is now addicted to Facebook which is the number one social networking site on the internet . With many of its cool [ and weird ] applications and games its more fun in facebook . However most of the people use facebook to chat with friends and its no fun chatting without using any smiley be it happy , sad or crying which is not present as in windows live messenger . However with the help of cool facebook chat smileys extensions adding smileys is just one click away to improve chatting experience on facebok .

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R.I.P Floppy disks

                  Sony officially reported to stop production and sales of the ancient storage medium - Floppy Disks till March 2011 .The 3.5-inch floppy was a rage in ancient days when the world hadn't seen CDs and DVDs . It was still pretty useful after the world came to know about it and was one of the necessary component for storing and transferring files between personal computers .

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Why iPad wont replace Laptops

         The computer was only for Mathematical use [the time it was invented ] and was more like calculator unless it was completely replaced by calci and computer was replaced by PC [ Personal computer ]  .The computer was now personal and soon there was a new growth of laptops and from data from most of the sources laptops are surely replacing PC's and now recently with the topic like 'Tablets' like the iPad from Apple , it may try to steal the position occupied by Lappy .
However here are the reason it wont replace Laptops :

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Now Run Android OS on iPhone

                     Unlike linux , where you can have as many alternatives for a peculiar software and can have help of many developers to develop and modify source code [ Open Source ] , Apple does not make source code public was recently in a big surprise !
The google OS - Android was successfully installed and run live on Iphone - an Apple product ! 
Steve Jobs may hate Android (and Google) but this doesn’t stop Steve’s [ iPhone hacker and Linux fan ] iPhone from running on Android OS. He has finally managed to run Google’s Android operating system on the iPhone. It is now very much possible to dual boot and run Android on your iPhone even  flash misht also be supported.

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