
Chrome plus - Google Chrome Alternative ?

          Right now it is Opera that claims to be fastest browser . Following opera is firefox and then Google chrome with its sinful extensions . If you love Google Chrome for many many extensions and want to surf world wide web with increased speed, then there is now a clone for it - ChromePlus.

The additional features included in Chrome Plus at include

  • Double click tab to close page
  • Mouse Gestures
  • Super drag
  • IE tab
  • Downloaded tools supported in context menu
             This is an enhanced version of Google Chrome which has almost same features and similar style with bonus features that are still not available for google chrome . Thus making it more feature rich , more speedier but still risk of security . As even the oldest legendary browser like IE still have bugs and is highly vulnerable , Chrome Plus is recent browser in this browser lists and if you cannot compromise on the security on any aspect then you need to be more careful and always update this software so that PC Security threats as reduced as far as possible without leaving any vulnerabilities.
There is no harm in testing and making Chrome Plus default browser but it would be better to hold lil bit of patience until all of these mentioned bonus features becomes available in Google chrome browser or still if you are new beta tester addict then its a must download !

Download Chrome Plus