
List of all Free Favicon generators

               In my last post i had published a tutorial on adding favicon to a blog easily with free tools and now i am listing down all free services worth checking out to generate free favicon . You already have seen a favicon but you probably dont know what that actually is [ and how helpful it can be ]  ; In easiest definition  Favicon is a small icon that is displayed in tab of browser just next to the website address . Here are the ultimate exhaustible complete list of favicon Generators and Converters  ;

  1. Getfavicon : A complete guide to favicon where you can learn about favicon and get to see favicon of any website by just typing the url here. 
  2. AnimatedFavicon : Here you need to upload image and get download your favicon and get to see last few favicon as well. 
  3. DeGraeve : Most unique and my favourate of all the list ; create your favicon with lot of colour options and you can also upload image and get the favicon right away and paint your desired favicon logo just like paint brush with awesome colour options !.
  4. shaheeilyas : Similar to above
  5. Dagon Design : Just upload any pic image and get favicon to download from this tool.
  6. Faviconfactory : Choose from a variety of toolspopular and brand famous and amazing favicons to choose from and you can design yours too.
  7. Antifavicon : Loads of options to create your favicon .
  8. Favicon.ip : Japanese site and here google translator can be used ,  again many features like create cool 3D web 2.0 logos and you get the option to add various icons to add to your favicon.
  9. simwebsol : Yet another one of these above .
  10. Faviconprime : Another tool where you can make lot of favicon as per your choice.
  11. Html-kit : Plenty of more options like adding scrolling text to favicon and you can use favicon validate option to see if that favicon works.
  12. : Russian site and its in english , again more features and user friendly .Good when it comes to creating favicon.
  13. Tools.DynamicsDrive : Here you can upload image and you also get an option to merge with 32*32 desktop icon.
  14. favicontool : Another favicon generator tool where you can create and upload image and get your favicon instantly also providing create your own favicon site services .
  15. 256Pixels : In this tool you can upload image or make your own favicon as per your requirement.
  16. Converticon : Here you need to upload images and you can set favicon size by your choice and download instantly.
  17. :  Here you get lot of options from editing to uploading images and choose from their gallery.
  18. Faviconr : You get complete introduction about favicon here and generate your favicon.
  19. Faviconcc :n this tool you can create your own favicon and you get the option from too many colour and you also get the option to upload your image.
  20. Graphics guru : Option to upload image and get instant favicon. Go to this tool here.
  21. Iconfu : This favicon generator impressed me with its huge options panel. Try this and you will find it quite attractive.
  22. Genfavicon : Another favicon generator tool with cropping , image uploading and editor function.
  23. Favikon : Another favicon generator where you can generate favicon from lot of options like cropping.

Thats a rigorous 23 tools , and i hope webmasters and bloggers will find it valuable :D . Lemme know if some tool too needs to be added here !

               It is really important to have a favicon in your site as it is the element of your branding and people can recognize you by your website’s favicon and i too suggest adding it as i have added QwertyWEB animated logo favicon . Most versions of the major browsers support favicons.  Some examples include Internet Explorer 5/6/7+, Firefox 1/2+, Mozilla 1/2+, Netscape 7+, Opera 7+, Avant 1.1, Konqueror 3+, Safari and many more.