
What is Google Me ?

          Google and Bing are having war in search engines , Google will now tackle apple and windows in OS [ Operating System ] and since Google launched jackass facebook kinda spoof lite version integrated inside Gmail  - Google Buzz , again Google is planning new facebook killer - GoogleMe !

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Chance to get Free business cards from Youtube

               If you have a business , then business cards are a must as it looks quite professional and impressive widely helping increase clients and increasing business . If you have Youtube account then you can quickly get a pack of snazzy YouTube business cards for FREE sponsored with if you don't have youtube account , you can quickly sign up and get these freebies before time runs out !

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Search Google and Wikipedia at the same time

                     Google is a search engine which searches all the blogs and websites present all over the internet  . However wikipedia is another search engine which is slightly more accurate then google as it searches only the content which grout of writers submit . Generally search results are more found on Google and less on WIki , however in terms of accuracy and quality wikipedia beats google !
And if you want to search both these engines at a same time then there is a fix -  Googlepedia

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Watch full length bollywood movies on Youtube for Free Legally

                    Torrent is the greatest resource to download movies . Many peole download  movies just for watching and delete instantly . However downloading via torrent is lil bit slow than directly watching that video [ movie ] live on the internet . Here’s a great way to legally watch full length bollywood movies on youtube along with subtitles !

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Watch Star Wars Movie on MS DOS Prompt

               Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise first film which lead to worldwide pop culture phenomenon .This film is made into books, television series, video games, as well as many  comic books and the film has got Academy award . I hope many people might have seen this movie , but if you have windows OS , you can watch again the whole movie !

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Get Free SMS when you recieve emails on Hotmail

                    Hotmail is the first email services provider which has started free email to sms facility . There were some tricks in order to get free sms from Gmail , hotmail and Yahoo mail with tweaking options and setting another account like way2sms in order to get free sms when someone send you an email  ! Yahoo provided this for premium users but Hotmail now has started this feature to everyone including India !

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Twitter can now make money by sponsored Trending Topics

             Since April, Twitter had announced Promoted Tweets - Twitter's new system to make money online .This was twitter's first business ad revenue model , and that was supposed to be in search results .However may be it didnt turned big or for any other reason the second phase of twitter's revenue model started - Promoted Trending Topics.

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WIndows Media Player 12 [ WMP 12 ] for XP ,Vista and Windows 7

                  Windows Media Player is available for the Windows, Windows Mobile, and Mac operating systems and will be soon for Linux . Windows media player is the latest version which is available freely if you have got WIndows 7. However there are little bit misconceptions about it for VISTA and XP .

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List of best ubuntu alternatives

              If you are basically a Ubuntu user who likes to be on ubuntu more than windows [ like me ] then you can try many other linux distros which can be ubuntu alternatives . ubuntu as you know is offered for download as an ISO image file as well as can be requested free [ Free CD's ] . However, there are plenty of versions to choose from !

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Install CLamAV Antivirus for Ubuntu

                      There are only 3 reasons according to me why people switch to linux based operating systems 1] They are Free 2] Cool applications and loads of free updates 3] Virus Free . And many people assume that there is neither virus nor antivirus for Linux based distros especially ubuntu which is most popular  . However there is an antivirus for it Clam AntiVirus or mostly called CLamAV

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Access FREE Facebook from mobiles

              After failure of lite facebook , 0 facebook or zero facebook - the Free Facebook Access Lite Version is an another feature which lets you surf facebook on your mobile free of cost ! You dont have to pay any charges for using facebook to your network carrier .

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Google Doodle for FIFA World Cup 2010

                           If you have googled for any world cup related query then you will see the above Goooooal instead of the regular Goooooogle in the navigation results links . Now even Google is now displaying matches and dates stats for world cup query !

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Watch FIFA World Cup 2010 Live on the internet

                  The Great sport for which people across the earth were anxiously waiting for is now here - The king of sports Football for which The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be kicking off right from 11th of June this year 2010 . This tournament for the first time is hosted by African continent . If you are netizan spending 12 hours a day surfing , then its good news for you as you can now watch free online coverage of The 2010 FIFA World Cup just as you watched IPL this year !

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Easily change Google Background image

                                     If you are not observant then take a look again at your homepage [ obviously Google ] and notice the bottom left link in blue color written as Change background image . Thus you can now give the bing look to google with cool background search feature [ the only feature bing is used ] .
Its now high time for you to change the Google background image !

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Easily upgrade to Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat Alpha 1

                If you are Pro unix user then i hope you should have tried Ubuntu's latest distro Lucid lynx 10.04  . Even if you are using Jaunty version of Ubuntu you can update to 10.04 .  And now the hot news !
The Ubuntu developers have released another update to ubuntu 10.04 making it 10.10 - The Maverick Meerkat Alpha 1 which is the first alpha release of Ubuntu .

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Download iOS for Apple devices free

                                       Recently in the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2010, held in San Francisco, United States, Apple introduced new operating system by name IOS. This new OS offers about 100 feature updates of previous operating systems and with more multitasking features. This OS can be downloaded free of charge for the devices iPad, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the iPod touch second and third generation 32GB and 64 GB version.

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Browser Safari Updated : First Look

                   Steve Jobs surprised everyone at WWDC 2010 with all features of iPhone , Safari , iPAD and all its Apple products . However safari was the one where many netizens were surprised and this is due to the new features Apple introduced .

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Get free email id ending with

                  You must be knowing and i presume having multiple email addresses like gmail , googlemail from google Similarly Ymail , yahoo and rocketmail from yahoo . Also live and hotmail from Microsoft but have you heard ending with ?
You can now also create email address like !

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How to change Gmail email id [ Hack ]

                    I can still remember many people googling for " How to change email id in Gmail ? " . Even i googled many times and finally i have found a solution to it !
It is very easy and this hack will certainly help you :

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Play Google Pacman on QwertyWEB

         Everybody must had fun playing Pac-Man on google doodle from 21 to May 23 . Pacman is an arcade game developed by Namco in Japan on May 22, 1980, and it is still a popular classic game today. Although you can’t play the game on Google homepage now you can still find and play it on this link  .
If you want to play Pacman on our blog, you can still play as we have embedded the code ;D

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Free SMS service to posting on Google Buzz

                     Google SMS after buzzing many apps now even the SMS free service is available for everyone for buzzing on Google Buzz !  As a service, Buzz Via SMS is a new web app that allows users to post to Google Buzz via SMS and this service is provided absolutely free of charge  .

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List of best Online Alarm Clock apps

                If your alarm clock is lost or its battery is dead and you are busy surfing online , then how will you manage your time schedule ? From the Internet ? How easy is that and that's where the web 2.0 app - virtual alarm clocks come to rescue !

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Easiest way to capture desktop screen shots

                             Sometimes you require to take screen shot of your desktop in case you like the wallpaper or seem to have a problem or capture all desktop junk or want to send information to a client. And for this simple 10 seconds job , there are many many professional softwares like snagit , picpick ,  greenshot etc which you need to pay for for getting many quality features .
Still you don't need a dedicated screen capture app for this job as it is damn easy to do it from your keyboard for any OS .

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How to make Ice Cream from Linux

                  I hope everyone is a fan of  ice-creams and loves it right from childhood . No , i am not talking about a software of the name ice cream if you are mistaken from wine - which is a linux app ! Now Linux can make you coffee, wash your clothes, heat your meal and it can also serve you a delicious fresh made Ice Cream !

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Alternatives to Blackbird for embedding tweets on webpage

            As you might have read previous post of how devastating it is to embed tweets on webpage using official twitter blackbird app due to huge few limitations with HTML .Therefore it will be no choice but to have bad  worst presentation of that tweet as it may even spoil whole webpage !
So here are the best alternatives that will make tweet embedding more better :

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Easily embed tweets on a webpage

                 It was practically impossible to show tweets on any webpage . You could only show last 5 tweets or any some particular last tweets or take a screen-shot and upload too to any blog / webpage . Twitter had rolled out a new tool that can easily let you embed a tweet on a webpage called the - “Blackbird pie"

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Download Bing themes for windows 7

              Recently Microsoft's search engine Bing has just turned one. However it has still succeeded lil bit in eating Google's search engine share and many people loved and praised Microsoft for its brilliant product . Even i use this bing when i am bored because bing has beautiful wallpapers to watch out for that gets updated every day .And that is why the reason i love bing for !
For its wallpapers ! however i dont search anything on it ;P . Many of loyal google addicted netizens completely shifted to bing !

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Tweet like a PRO from Tweetdeck

              There are almost thousands of twitter softwares that promise this feature and that special feature which are not free , not even demo ! Straight you can get them at 50 to 150 $ , usually you might have seen from links that you link when some one mentions you and many other tweeples in a tweet or from spam-my direct messages in twitter .

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Top 50 worst products that makes no sense

                     Lots of inventions and discoveries are taking place right from from time to time , in this or that form constantly . Some of them work ,which were supposed to a good shit , while some bright ideas look futuristic and ultimately result in #FAIL . Here , mentioned the best 50 WORST [ recent ] inventions or better to be called products that don't seem to make sense !

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